GEBICON — Game Producer

"GEBICON" working around 20 years in the e-business, web design, social media, marketing, business consulting and advertising design. Adapting now to the market, we switch to video game developers and producer.

Compared to other sub-markets of the media and creative industries, the games market is particularly characterized by a high level of innovation in terms of technology, content and design. The rapidly increasing worldwide demand for e-games results in a very lucrative investment project with excellent returns. Even the mobile manufacturing industry has spotted the new market and will launch some new specific gamer mobiles in the next year.

Our Founder and CEO has been active in the gamer scene since 1983, as a gamer, beta tester, competitive competitor (2 wins & several top 10 placements) through to hardcore online gamers. It has always been his dream to one day create a gamer forge. With the Covid-19 crisis, he invested his time creating new mobile games(12). With 40 years of e-game experience, he of course offers the perfect "know how" and leading force of our company.


We know no borders, the world is our marketplace. We have divided them into 10 strategic targets, North- South America (USA, Peru), Europe (Germany), Asia (China, Japan, South Korea). This also to bring in local ideas for new games.


We need US$1.5 million to produce 12 new mobile games. We offer high interest rates of up to 12% per annum and the sale of company shares. Duration of investment 2 years (1 year, Production and 1 year, Marketing/Sales).

High Profit

2021 - Top 10 Global Game Market: Germany (6), has 46.12M mobile gamers, with an average annual consumption of 127.30 Euro. Worldwide turnover 190 billion euros, the top 10 countries accounted for 64.74% of the world market (123.02 billion euros).

Our Future

We want to produce 12 modern, innovative and affordable mobile games in the year. Single & multiplayer mode, tailored to all age groups, develop new projects in the field of school education.

Project Structure

If we have aroused your interest, let us convince you and please take a look at our financial plan and project description without obligation. There you will find all the important details and facts about the project. For further questions, I am "Daniel Gemperli" at any time via "Whatsapp" vailable. To download the pdf file (00kb) click here.

Our Team

We love what we do and we want to be the best at it. The virtual world of players and video games is constantly changing technology and tastes, we are always adapting and moving forward to succeed in this exciting industry. These values ​​are more than just ideals, we live them every day in our excellent team of local skilled workers and independent national and international specialists.

Daniel Gemperli CEO

Daniel Gemperli

Founder and CEO

Arquimedes Rivas Chief of Staff

Arquimedes Rivas

Chief of Staff

Nicol Soldevilla Lead Designer

Nicol Soldevilla

Lead Designer

Janine Soldevilla Finanz Manager

Janine Soldevilla

Finanz Manager

We are Here

In the current status of our company, we organize ourselves using various international strategic points of contact; USA, Germany and Peru. In preparation, Japan and South Korea. In the future Canada, England, Singapore, India, South Africa and China.

  • Peru: Lima "Daniel Gemperli CEO" Mesage to Daniel Gemperli CEO +51 93 448 0207 +51 93 448 0207  Whatsapp to Daniel Gemperli CEO +51 93 448 0207 

  • USA: Las Vegas "Klaus "

  • Germany: Nürnberg "Willy "

  • Japan: "In preparation"

  • South Korea: "In preparation"

Av. Manuel Villaran #1036,
Surquillo, 15038 Lima 34/Perú

+51 93-448-0207